Brummmm, brummmm. Turning the key and hoping to jolt the creative spirit into starting. And whatever car analogies pop into mind.
I wrote here about how I am finding it hard to be creative at the moment. So I thought I would tell you about a few things that are helping.
Sewing with kids - I do work with children and their creativity is inspiring.

(The blue shirt is my work shirt - just so you don't think it is my choice!)
Or sew from the web. I love making these Kanzashi flowers.I used this great tutorial and would love to buy the book.
So here's hoping all this activity will encourage me, once more to drive along the road of my own designs. (Sighs).
I have that book! I made Serious Monkey for Mr B. :-)
I like the bead necklace (I am no good at felting), and the fabric flowers are lovely too.
I love that necklace too, the colours are gorgeous! If I'm in a creative rut I tend to follow patterns for a while, it takes the pressure off and allows you to think, I think!
Thank you. The beads were a gift so i cannot claim any talent except in stringing them together.
I love those flowers- going to follow that link! I agree it is good to be aware of what you can do when you feel your creative spirit failing. I do similar things to you - I need to do something that's productive and creative but that also lets my mind relax and have fun!!
I feel ur pain I'm in a huge creative slump (maybe even a landslide) I can't even get excited or inspired by bead supplies arriving! I've been neglecting my crafts, my blog, the makes I need to do for a friends wedding (which is in less than a month) & my shops! On the plus side the house is looking super tidy at the moment!
Hopefully being creative with the kids at church group on Sunday making fabric flowers will help me get back into the groove, fingers crossed.
C x
I think we need those periods of not making...certainly in this house without them NOTHING would ever get done.
Toot Toot!
and Kisses X
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