Tuesday 15 November 2011

Products I love - Braille Christmas Cards

As soon as I saw these cards I knew I wanted to tell the world! They are so beautiful - visually and tactually. Perfect for those sighted people wanting to send a card to a blind or partially sighted friend and vice versa. Basically they look good and they feel good. 

Christmas Braille Greeting Card
The example above says 'Xmas'. There are other messages available and you can also ask for something else. The cards are also available in aluminium but I love this rich copper.

Available from ggsarts on etsy. 

So do go and check out their shop and see the whole range available. Simply beautiful.


Amy, the Greedy Crocodile said...

These are really fantastic -I love them too :-)

Heather Leavers said...

they are very beautiful, perfect talking points even in a fully sighted household I think. it's made me wonder about beauty - are there particular qualities to braille that are more beautiful than everyday? I guess the tactile qualities must come into it, we all know that some textures cry out to be stroked.