Tuesday 2 December 2008

Still here..

Just to reassure you that I am still here knitting and sewing away.
Been ages since my last post. But it is because I have been sewing and knitting away!! (or rather not 'away' but right here in my lounge).
This morning I cut out the fabric and interfacing and lining for lots more purses and some bigger ones too.
Last night I finished knitting a scarf that fastens with a dorset button (I know!).

So before Saturday and the great WeMake Christmas, I need to:
sew in zips and do seam son all purses and bags;
finish any knitting and sew in all ends;
make more Dorset buttons and glue some on hair snaps;
put labels on everything;
find white sheet for stall;
cry with fear and excitement!


Dodo and Solitaire said...

Don't worry it'll be fine! I'm sure you'll have a great time and thanks again for taking some of my bags with you it's most appreciated!

Vicky x said...

Good luck! Take lots of pics at WeMake for your blog :D Vickyx