Friday 13 November 2009

Snowdrops and Daisies

Whenever I think of Snowdrops and Daisies I think of her lovely felted tubs. They are so lovely to look at and useful for popping things in - like this Cute Red Felted Tub
But there is so much more as well in SnowdropsandDaisies lovely etsy shop.
Perfect for hanging on your Christmas tree are these pretty Origami Christmas Baubles

and also these cute Teeny Felt Stockings

Or not up to Chsitmas yet? Then sit yourself down, brew up a pot of tea, have a cup and keep you pot warm with this lovely Tea Cozy in Marshamllow Pink

Visit Snowdrops and Daisies' etsy shop for more delightful gifts - for you , your home, friends, or family.


coloursandtextures said...

Nice post I am off to have a peek at Snow's shop now.

Mel's Mixed Media said...

Lovely article on SnowdropsAndDaisies shop BBB! :)