Sunday 1 November 2009

UK Promotion - Me!

The UK people on etsy have decided to promote each other's shops and guess who they have begun with? Me!
It has been great fun seeing my name and my photos in treasuries and people's blogs. So I thought I would share with you.
The Treasuries so far (there was another one by Quercus Silver but I didn't manage to get a screenshot).

The first one is 'Goodbye October, Hello November' by AliBali Jewellery.
This one is 'Star Spangle or Union Jack' by Islaybower:

This one is 'oops' by AliBali Jewellery:

And this one is 'Am I BLUE?' by SimplyMaisy:

Now for the blogs.

Snowdrop's Thoughts by Snowdrops and Daisies

Islay Finds, Makes and Bakes by IslayBower

Quercus Silver by Quercus Silver

Precious Little Birdy by AngelaCallan

Green River Studio by Green River Studio

So please pop over and have a look at their lovely blogs and not just the posts about me. And then click on the link to their shops for each and every one of these people who have featured me in their blogs and in their treasuries are wonderful, talented people.

There are also many more UK people I would like to thank who have supported me, in giving advice, friendship and help promote me on facebook, twitter and etsy promo threads. So..



Anonymous said...

i like this promoting each other thing - it's fun! :))

creamrose said...

Yay! Well done, you really deserve it..cos you have lovely creations:)

Quercus Silver said...

It was a pleasure. You know I love your work!